Refund & return policy

  • No refund (Partial or otherwise) will be made if you voluntarily leave or drop out of a trip for any reason after the trip has begun.
  • No refunds will be made for any accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, meals or services not utilized.
  • In case,BNK Himalayan (Baba Neemkaroli Himalayan Pvt. Ltd.) cancels the trip due to unforeseen circumstances it would be happy to suggest an alternative trip/dates. You shall be notified of same. You may accept the alternate trip suggestion, voucher (with one year redeemable limitation) or request another trip of your choice. The difference in cost, if applicable, will have to be borne by you.
  • BNK Himalayan (Baba Neemkaroli Himalayan Pvt. Ltd.) shall, under no circumstances, be liable for any additional costs, credit card charges, TAC(s), travel arrangements including but not limited to flight cancellation, railway, hotel, visas costs, onward arrangements coinciding with this trip etc. Refunds in such a scenario will happen as per our cancellation policy.
    Refunds are not possible for any missed or unused services including voluntary / involuntary termination of tour on account of sickness, death of a family member, late arrival on the tour etc.
  • BNK Himalayan (Baba Neemkaroli Himalayan Pvt. Ltd.) is also not liable to pay any compensation for any loss arising as a consequence of trip curtailment, alteration, extension or cancellation due to any reasons. However, you expressly agree that, in any event, the maximum liability of BNK Himalayan (Baba Neemkaroli Himalayan Pvt. Ltd.)  will be limited to the trip cost paid to BNK Himalayan (Baba Neemkaroli Himalayan Pvt. Ltd.).
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